Our site is moderated automatically. The articles submitted by the authors are first of all controlled by the automated system and then go to the editor. Therefore, all inadequacy with the requirements for the paperwork of the manuscript may lead to your failure to upload your manuscript.
Do your best to comply with all the requirements for the design of the article set by our editors (please note that there are two points on this page: "Requirements for the design of the manuscript and accompanying documents" and "The procedure for submitting the manuscript")
Manuscripts with a volume of 30,000 printed characters or more (approximately 3800-4000 words) are accepted for estimation. The editors do not set an upper bound on the volume of the article, but in cases of exceeding 2 printers sheets (80,000 characters) it is recommended to split the text of the manuscript into two independent and logically connected parts and submit them for estimation separately from each other.
Requirements for the design of the manuscript and accompanying documents
1. Before submission the author must prepare three separate files:
- the author’s biographical information (download the template for English-speaking authors or download the template for Russian-speaking authors) including name, place of work, city and country, email and ORCID number. The DOCX, DOC, RTF, and ODT formats are possible;
- the text of the manuscript without indicating the author / authors (download the template for English-speaking authors or download the template for Russian-speaking authors). The DOCX, DOC, RTF, and ODT formats are possible;
- completed, signed and scanned personal data processing consent (download the template for English-speaking authors or download the template for Russian-speaking authors) submitted in PDF format only.
2. The text of the manuscript without attribution must be formatted in accordance with the requirements:
a) Metadata of the article (title, abstract, keywords) should take the first two pages of the document. Use the Ctrl + Enter key combination to separate the article metadata from the manuscript.
b) The title of the article must be formatted according to the requirements: no indentation; center alignment; bold style; line spacing = 1; Times New Roman font, size = 15.
c) The abstract of the article (strictly no less than 150 and no more than 250 words!) and keywords (10 terms, separated from each other by a semicolon, not just a comma) must be formatted according to the requirements: width alignment; typeface is normal; no indentation; line spacing = 1; Times New Roman font, size = 12.
Use this scheme:
1. Problem (2-3 sentences)
2. Purpose of the study (1 sentence)
3. Results of your research (1-2 sentences)
4. Findings (1-2 sentences)
d) The text of the manuscript is formatted as follows: Times New Roman font, size = 14; alignment in width; line spacing = 1; paragraph = 1 cm; the font style is normal.
e) The text should be divided into semantic parts: Introduction, The main text, which also needs to be divided into parts, and Conclusion. In case of an empirical study, the text of the article is structured according to the IMRAD principle (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion). Information about research funding is placed in a separate "Acknowledgements" section.
f) Large citations (2-3 sentences) are formatted as follows: they are separated from the text by one entry line (top and bottom): Times New Roman font, size - 12; LEFT AND RIGHT SHIFT (not as in paragraph) - 1 cm; width alignment; line spacing = 1.
g) References in the text are made in parentheses: the surname, year of publication and the page on which the quotation is posted (Smith, 2009, p. 250) or (Smith, 2009, pp. 250-254).
If the scientist's surname occurs in a sentence or you have already referred to it in a previous sentence, then there is no need to place it in brackets again (2009, p. 251). If the cited author has two works of the same year, then they are designated by letters, for example (Smith, 2009a, p. 250) or (Smith, 2009b, p. 149). Please follow the correctness of the links in the text.
h) The references is drawn up according to the international standard APA 7th Edition.
For references and references the editorial board recommends using the bibliography manager Zotero (the official website of the program -
Only articles with a list of references of at least 25 items are accepted for publication.
Poor design of the bibliography is a potential reason for refusal to publish an article even at the first stage of the article's evaluation by the editor.
Manuscript submission procedure
1. The author who decides to submit the manuscript for evaluation by the editors of the e-journal must register a free profile at the link: indicating the real name and email.
2. The manuscript is sent through the article submission system at the link: where the author must go through only 5 steps for submitting the manuscript:
First step: the author chooses the language of the manuscript (English or Russian) and the section, notes the fulfillment of all requirements for the submitted material, accepts the terms of the contract and agrees to the collection and storage of data in accordance with the privacy statement.
Second step: the author must upload three documents (the author’s biographical information, the text of the manuscript without authorship and consent to the processing of personal data). All files are downloaded sequentially by selecting the appropriate category.
Third step: the author enters all the article metadata (title, abstract, keywords, references).The author may add co-authors if it is necessary.
Fourth step: the author must confirm the submission of the manuscript and accompanying documents.
Fifth step: the author chooses the option to submit another manuscript or log out of the submission system.
3. After the editors receive the materials the system sends the author a notification about the successful upload of the article to the website of the online publication. Mail servers can mark letters from the editorial office as SPAM and send them to the appropriate folder in the e-mail box. Please check your SPAM folder.